
Showing posts from April, 2014

How to Speed up UNITY in ubuntu - The Simplest Trick ever

Unity is the Default Interface for Ubuntu since its Debut in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat).It has a Good Glossy and it has revolutionized the desktop Interface with Simplicity as ever before. But,Some Users including me faces this problem that it slows down you PC or Laptop . So most of us tend to change the desktop environment to LXDE or XFCE which is much faster ,but not so cool as Unity So How do We Fix this Problem Well the Answer is Simple.....Just Follow Me Step 1 : Open your Terminal ( Press CTRL + ALT + T ) Step 2 : Type " gedit .xprofile " and press ENTER Step 3: now in the Text Editor  Type " export UNITY_LOW_GFX_MODE=1 " and save the File Step 4: Now  Logout & Log in again What do you find......Wow your Unity is Now Faster than Ever Before....... :)